Photo credit: Steve Harper
Common Abbreviations
BAS: Bilingual Assessment Service
PHN: Public Health Nurse
SWIS: Social Workers in Schools
SLT: Speech Language Therapist
OT: Occupational Therapist
PT: Physiotherapist
AOD: Advisor of the Deaf
AOB: Advisor of the Blind
RTLit: Resource Teacher of Literacy
SENCo: Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
LSC: Learning Support Coordinator
ORS: Ongoing Resourcing Scheme
ESOL: English Speakers of other Language
LS: Learning Support Ministry of Education (Spec. Ed) Special Education (previously known as GSE or MoESE)
DARE: Drug Abuse Resistance Education (NZ Police/Youth workers)
Starship: Children’s Hospital part of Auckland Hospital
Kari Centre: Children’s Mental Health Auckland District
Whirinaki: Children’s Mental Health Manukau
Oranga Tamariki, formerly CYFS: Child Youth and Family Services
Te Whatu Ora, formerly ADHB: Auckland District Health Board
PB4L: Positive Behaviour for Learning
ART: Aggression Replacement Training
IYT: Incredible Years Teacher Programme
IYP: Incredible Years Parent Programme
IYA: Incredible Years Autism (for Teachers)
ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ASD: Autistic Spectrum Disorder
ODD: Oppositional Defiance Disorder
FASD: Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder