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Anchor 3

Cluster 8 RTLB

Cluster 8 RTLB are grouped into 3 office bases or hubs. The RTLBs in each office base are responsible for providing service to designated schools.

The three bases are:

  • Royal Oak Primary School

  • Tāmaki College

  • Ōrākei School

Anchor 1

Cluster Management

Roseanne Gibson

Cluster Manager

Roseanne is a dedicated educator and psychologist deeply committed to enhancing learning, wellbeing and support for our students, families, and teachers. Having worked with children, adolescents, families, professionals, and school communities, Roseanne has honed skills in leadership, management, organization, administration, and building positive relationships with diverse learners and school communities.

Roseanne adopts a proactive, preventative approach that strengthens both individuals and systems. Key focus areas include fostering adaptability, practicing inclusivity, embracing growth and curiosity, and building on strengths. Roseanne ensures an accessible infrastructure and cultivates a positive, collaborative climate, empowering individuals and communities to thrive through supportive relationships and responsive initiatives.

Roseanne holds a BA in Psychology and Education, a B Ed (Hons), PG Dip in Special Needs, PG Dip in Educational Psychology, an M Ed Studies (Psych), and an M Counselling (Psych).

Megan Clotworthy

Lead School Principal

Megan has stepped into the Lead Principal role for RTLB Cluster 8 upon her appointment as Royal Oak Primary School principal.

Anne Roborgh

Practice Leader

Anne has been an RTLB since the inception of the service, and Practice Leader in Cluster 8 for 8 years. In her role, Anne actively engages with Kāhui Ako and Ministry of Education (MoE). She is passionate about enhancing connectivity to establish cohesive teams comprising school, MoE, agency, and whanau members, ultimately providing seamless services and unwavering support to our tamariki. Anne firmly believes in the importance of collaborative efforts between RTLB and MoE, particularly in the crucial transitions from early education centres to school for students with diverse needs. One of Anne's strengths lies in coaching and mentoring, areas that have been the focal points of her professional development journey. She holds an internationally accredited qualification in Growth Coaching , and has completed the Glasser Advanced training in Choice Theory, Reality Therapy and Lead Management. Anne is dedicated to empowering others in their professional growth.

Barbara Hannant

Practice Leader

Barbara has worked in education for over 20 years across Primary, Intermediate, Secondary and Tertiary environments in roles as a Teacher, Deputy Principal, Principal, Lecturer and as an RTLB. Barbara is a registered psychologist and has worked as a Practice Leader for Ngā Manu Āwhina Cluster 8 RTLB for the last five years. She is particularly interested in strength focused assessment practices, professional supervision and appraisal. Barbara is a trained Cognitive Behaviour and Dialectical Behaviour Therapist. She has completed the Glasser Advanced training in Choice Theory, Reality Therapy and Lead Management. She also holds a number of internationally accredited qualifications in Growth Coaching, Change Management and Project Management.

BEd Tchg; MEd; MEdPsych; PGDipEdPsych
Psychological Practice, Supervision and Assessment Lead Practitioner

Jake Taplin

Practice Leader

Jake is a newly appointed Practice Leader for Cluster 8 RTLB. He brings a wealth of experience and a passion for nurturing student growth, achievement and empowering students to confidently navigate challenges in all areas of their academic and personal lives.

Jake has undertaken various leadership roles, each contributing to a holistic understanding of educational dynamics and effective management strategies.

Jake is an advocate for integrating technology into education and has been involved in numerous initiatives aimed at harnessing the power of digital tools to enhance learning outcomes.

Jake’s practice is enriched by a varied skillset and his ability to relate, collaborate and co-create inclusive, innovative learning environments that engage and inspire students.

Driven by a deep-seated belief in the power of education to shape lives and communities, Jake is committed to continuing his journey as an educational leader and catalyst for positive change in the lives of students and the broader educational landscape.

Royal Oak Hub 

Anchor 2

Jo Turner

Royal Oak

Jo is the Go To Person for Behaviour in Cluster 8. She is passionate about helping students and the adults who support them, to understand and teach the skills/strategies of self- management, executive function, emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills. Challenging behaviour poses many dilemmas and can cause varying levels of anxiety in schools. Jo has experience and training in delivering Incredible Years for Teachers, UBRS (Understanding Behaviour Responding Safely), SWPB4L, and CPI (Crisis Prevention Institute) Verbal Intervention Training. Another passion is the application of the growing body of knowledge of neuroscience to learning and behaviour. This is an exciting area she is curious to research and apply to RTLB work.


Jennie Burt

Royal Oak

Jennie has worked in education for more than 20 years, initially in the UK, and then across primary and intermediate schools in West Auckland, as a teacher, team leader, literacy leader and RTLB. She is passionate about developing and promoting effective oral language skills as an intrinsic part of classroom teaching and learning, and in 2014 she completed the Graduate Diploma in Teaching English in School to Speakers of Other Languages (TESSOL). Jennie promotes collaborative, interactive and culturally responsive approaches which support all children’s engagement and learning across the curriculum, and which enrich children’s interactions and connections with each other.

Jennie really enjoys working with children and their whānau, and alongside teachers and school staff to create an engaging, interactive, and inclusive space where all children can experience success.


Sarah Mariu

Royal Oak

Ko Whakarongorua te maunga
Ko Utakura te awa
Ko Hokianga te moana
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Mataitaua te marae
Ko Ngati Toro te hapu
Ko Ngapuhi te iwi.
I te taha o toku whaea, nō Wera ahau
Ko Sarah toku ingoa.

Sarah is a primary trained teacher and has spent most of her career in South Auckland schools, teaching year 0 to 8. She is trained in Reading Recovery and has an interest in support Māori achievement.
More recently she has come from a mentoring role supporting teachers to implement a model of ambitious, equitable and culturally responsive mathematics teaching (DMIC).
She is passionate about developing and sustaining safe, equitable, nurturing and responsive learning spaces for all tamariki.
Sarah is also a māmā to two wonderfully energetic young children and married to Reuben. As a whānau they are currently on a learning pathway reclaiming reo and whakapapa



Royal Oak

Tēnā koutou Katoa. Ko Pirongia tōku maunga. Ko Waikato tōku awa, Ko Frederickson tōku waka. No Yorkshire, Nō Oslo, Nō Adare, Nō Inverness, hoki i te taha o tōku mama. Ko Wendy ahau.
Wendy has been an RTLB since 1999 working across West Auckland kura. Prior to that her mahi has been in primary, full primary, intermediate and special schools in West and East Auckland; as a teacher, SENCO, senior teacher, and assistant principal.
The Incredible Years programme has been an integral part of her practice. She is an accredited IYT facilitator and recently trained in IYA and as a Peer Coach. A core value of IY is the place of whanaungatanga; this is fundamental to her work as an RTLB. One of the great joys of being an RTLB has been the relationships with whanau and teachers that have supported our children to flourish.
BA (Psychology, Education, English), PG Dip SNRT, SPELD Certificate Course in SLD (Level 5), NZCER Level C Test User Registration, Pearson Level B Test User.


Leslie Dresser-Tu'ugasala

Royal Oak

Leslie is an enthusiastic creative teacher who brings 13 years of Primary classroom teaching experience to the job. She is committed to students and improving their learning skills as well as attitudes towards learning using creative approaches to assist learners. Leslie is experienced with the ALL program and inquiry-based learning. She is passionate about literacy and has training in Reading Recovery. Originally from Canada, she also trained as an Early Childhood Educator before coming to New Zealand to pursue Primary Teaching.


Owen Robyns

Royal Oak

Owen Robyns is an experienced Deputy Principal and SENCO with 30 years experience in education both in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. For the last 13 years he has worked as a Deputy Principal in West Auckland and has undertaken a wide variety of roles in both the junior and senior areas. Owen has a strong interest in working with tamariki, whānau and kura to establish pathways to success in learning and behaviour. He enjoys working with a wide range of professionals coordinating and implementing cohesive strategies leading to positive outcomes.


Maree Stenberg

Royal Oak

Maree was previously a classroom teacher and a Supplementary Learning Support Teacher before becoming a Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour. Her passion and focus for the last nineteen years has been in supporting children who have special learning needs to achieve their potential. She has been the co-lead for the High Learning Needs and In class Support moderation. Maree works with teachers, paraprofessionals and outside agencies to assist students at all levels of school.


Sarah Pearse

Royal Oak

Sarah has worked as an RTLB for 10 years in Auckland and Tauranga. Before this she was a classroom teacher for 30 years. She has a robust understanding of mokopuna, the education sector and the New Zealand Curriculum. Sarah builds genuine collaborative partnerships with mokopuna, whānau, schools and agencies to tautoko an inclusive approach for all learners. Sarah's passion is in promoting good mental health and wellbeing. She has trained in numerous social and emotional programmes and believes that the school setting is an ideal opportunity to support student’s development into self-regulated, empathetic and emotionally healthy adults. Sarah loves learning and enjoys spending quality time with her whānau.


Tracey Richardson

Royal Oak

Tēnā koutou katoa. Ko Hautere te maunga. Ko Oraka te awa. Ko Raukawa te iwi. Ko Ngāti Ahuru te hapū. Ko Ngatira te marae. No Putāruru ahau. Ko Tracey Richardson toku ingoa. Tracey Richardson has been an educator for over 30 years. She has taught in both Primary and Intermediate Schools in NZ and the UK. Her varied career has seen her work as a team leader, curriculum advisor and Deputy Principal. Tracey has an extensive background in health education and a passion for student wellbeing. In 2023 Tracey became a member of the RTLB Professional Learning Network and is currently exploring trauma-informed practice. In 2024 she is working part-time and will complete her Masters in Specialist Teaching through Massey University.


Jill Watson

Royal Oak

Jill Watson is an experienced RTLB who brings over 20 years' classroom teaching experience (Years 0 to 8) to her role. During her time in the classroom, she has held positions of leadership including syndicate leadership, school-wide literacy and the SENCO role.

As an RTLB, Jill is passionate about supporting and collaborating with ākonga, teachers and whānau to allow each child to inclusively thrive to meet their full social, emotional and learning potential. Much of Jill’s mahi occurs in the areas of literacy, neurodiversity, and social and emotional learning. Jill is a trained facilitator in many evidence-based programmes including: Zones of Regulation, Seasons for Growth, Incredible Years Teachers, Brick Club and FRIENDS Resilience.

Jill is continually adding to her kete of knowledge that will further support kura, ākonga and whānau. This year she is looking forward to becoming a Circle Time facilitator and continuing her journey in Te Reo through Te Wānaga o Aotearoa.

Alongside her teaching qualifications, Jill has a Post Graduate Diploma in Inclusive Education and a Post Graduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching: Learning and Behaviour from Massey University.

In her spare time, Jill enjoys time with whānau and getting back to nature through either hiking, biking or swimming.


Julie Nugent

Royal Oak

With 25+ years’ experience as a teacher and SENCO, and even a stint as a Special Education Advisor with the MOE, Julie brings to the RTLB role a passion for supporting students so that every young person has opportunity to not only survive, but thrive during their school experience. She recognises and values the uniqueness of students, and is passionate about collaboratively generating solutions and effective, positive pathways for students, their teachers and whanau. Julie loves working with students who process the world differently and her strengths include Universal Design for Learning, specific learning difficulties, assistive tech, practitioner inquiry, contemporary leadership, change management, supporting students with anxiety, executive functioning difficulties, autism spectrum, challenging behaviours, and gifted and talented students. Julie is currently completing further study alongside her practice.
Dip Tchng, B.Ed, Post Grad Cert (G&T), Post Grad Dip Ed.

Tāmaki Hub 

Anchor 3

Amy Thurston

Tāmaki Hub

Tēnā koe. Ko Rangitoto tōku maunga. Ko Wai-te-matā tōku moana. Ko Tāmaki tōku awa. He uri ahau no Pākehā. Ko Amy tōku ingoa. I whānau mai ai e Tāmaki Makaurau. I tipu ake au e Tāmaki Makaurau me Te Whanganui-a-Tara.

Amy was born in Tāmaki Makaurau and spent her childhood in Te Whanganui-a-Tara before returning to Auckland, where she has lived in and around Tāmaki for much of her life. She has taught across year levels from New Entrants to Year 8 in East and Central Auckland, gaining a wealth of experience in primary education.

During her four years with Te Rōpū Pourewa, she deepened her understanding of inclusive education, and her role as a SENCo ignited a strong passion for learning support. Now, as an RTLB with Ngā Manu Āwhina, she is excited to further develop her expertise and continue making a meaningful impact on ākonga, alongside whānau and kaiako.

Mark Armstrong

Tāmaki Hub

Tēnā koutou katoa, Ko Waitākere te maunga, Ko Ōpanuku te awa, Ko Ngā Puhi te iwi, Ko Manukau te moana Ko New Lynn āhau, Ko Mark Armstrong tōku ingoa. Mark is a dedicated and passionate teacher, eager to contribute to the field of RTLB. With over 20 years of teaching experience, he brings a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to learning. Mark believes in the power of culturally responsive practices to transform lives and is excited about learning alongside his RTLB colleagues, ākonga, whānau, kura, and the wider community. Mark focuses on the health and well-being of learners as he has experience and knowledge of trauma-informed practices, place-based learning, and building blocks for learning. MEd; P Dip TESOL; P Dip Tchg; BA SocSc.

Emma Fainu

Tāmaki Hub

Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Hikurangi te maunga
Ko Te Raparapa te awa
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Matawaia, ko Mōtatau nga marae
Ko Te Kau-i-Mua te hapu
Ko Ngati Hine te iwi
Ko Tonga te whakapaparanga mai
Ko Emma Marereira Fainu ahau

Emma is a primary trained teacher with well over a decade of experience in South Auckland teaching year 1 to 6. Prior to joining the RTLB service Emma gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in the learning support space as a Learning Support Coordinator, who worked across schools within Te Iti Kahurangi Kahui Ako. Emma believes in Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Inclusive Education and Universal Design for Learning. She is passionate about Māori and Pasifika achievement, supporting ākonga and whānau, and working alongside kaiako, leadership teams and agencies to achieve positive outcomes for all ākonga. Emma values Whakawhanaungatanga (building relationships), Mahi Tahi (working together), and Manakitanga (generosity, respect and care for others).

Kylah Drake

Tāmaki Hub

Before joining Ngā Manu Āwhina, Kylah taught at schools in Central and South Auckland, as well as for the Northern Health School. Having taught students from year 0 to 13, Kylah has an excellent understanding of the curriculum for all year levels and is able to utilise this to support others. Kylah is particularly interested in working with ākonga with diverse health and educational needs, raising student achievement for Māori and self-directed learning. She has a special interest in student wellbeing, focussing on using a holistic, student-centred approach to work collaboratively with others to awhi ākonga through their learning journey.

Michael White

Tāmaki Hub

Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Toko te maunga
Ko Kaipara te moana
Ko Arapaoa te awa
Ko Māhuhū-ki-te rangi te waka
Ko Ngāti Whātua tōku iwi
Ko Te Uri o Te Hau tōku hapū
Ko Waihaua tōku mārae
No Kaipara, no Arapaoa ahau
Ko RTLB taku mahi
Ko Michael White taku ingoa.

Michael has been an RTLB since 1999 working across working across kura in South Auckland. Prior to that he worked in secondary schools on the North Shore as a physical education teacher. As the kaumātua of Cluster 8 supported by a collaborative innovative team, Michael leads the RTLB team and Māori Rōpū in cultural protocols. He has strengths in mentoring secondary students and supporting students in Mathematics with interventions such as Numicon and the online Maths Buddy programme. His interests include whānau time, singing, playing the guitar and dancing (ballroom, Latin, rock and roll, and line dance).

Dianne Ley

Tāmaki Hub

Dianne is a Primary-trained teacher with a passion for assessment for learning and student agency. She has been an RTLB since 2016, with Cluster 8. She values strength-based approaches, and building teachers’ and learners’ self-efficacy. Her teaching strengths lie in early literacy and mathematics, and oral language development - some of her broader project work is in these areas. She enjoys jaunts out of Auckland, singing, walking and socialising with friends, old and new.

Chris Bush

Tāmaki Hub

Chris is an RTLB, working mainly in the Tamaki Hub, Auckland. Her strengths and knowledge are working with children who are identified under the ‘Vulnerable Children’s Act’. She works closely with agencies that support these children as well as with whānau and schools. Her role is to ensure access to educational supports for these students, in order to reduce barriers to education. She leads the ‘Gateway’ process for Cluster 8. Her passion is working with Māori, Pacific Island students and their whānau as well as those students who are struggling with disadvantage. She is part of the cultural team in her cluster and provides professional development to strengthen collaboration and understanding.

David Blazey

Tāmaki Hub

Ko Maungataniwha te maunga, Ko Tokerau te moana, Ko Māmaru te waka, Ko Ngāti Kahu raua ko Ingarihi ōku iwi, No Kaitaia āu, Ko David toku ingoa.
David worked as a classroom teacher in Auckland and London for 15 years before starting RTLB in 2013. His passion is helping learners & whānau strive to be their best. Areas of interest include culturally responsive practice, cognitive assessment and Incredible Years Teaching. Outside work, David enjoys time with whānau and in te taiao either mountain biking, swimming at the beach or fishing.

Jo Turner

Tāmaki Hub

Jo is the Go To Person for Behaviour in Cluster 8. She is passionate about helping students and the adults who support them, to understand and teach the skills/strategies of self- management, executive function, emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills. Challenging behaviour poses many dilemmas and can cause varying levels of anxiety in schools. Jo has experience and training in delivering Incredible Years for Teachers, UBRS (Understanding Behaviour Responding Safely), SWPB4L, and CPI (Crisis Prevention Institute) Verbal Intervention Training. Another passion is the application of the growing body of knowledge of neuroscience to learning and behaviour. This is an exciting area she is curious to research and apply to RTLB work.

Ōrākei Hub 

Anchor 4

Kylah Drake

Ōrākei Hub

Before joining Ngā Manu Āwhina, Kylah taught at schools in Central and South Auckland, as well as for the Northern Health School. Having taught students from year 0 to 13, Kylah has an excellent understanding of the curriculum for all year levels and is able to utilise this to support others. Kylah is particularly interested in working with ākonga with diverse health and educational needs, raising student achievement for Māori and self-directed learning. She has a special interest in student wellbeing, focussing on using a holistic, student-centred approach to work collaboratively with others to awhi ākonga through their learning journey.

Emily Marurai

Ōrākei Hub

Emily is an experienced classroom teacher who joined Cluster 8 RTLB in 2019. Emily has taught in Years 0 – 6 over 20 years and worked in various learning and leadership roles including, Reading Recovery, development of student inquiry, supporting transition to school, team leadership and SENCO. In working with the RTLB team Emily continues her work in supporting students, families and schools to feel empowered and confident to manage learning and behaviour.

Christine Holland

Ōrākei Hub

Christine is an experienced RTLB and has been with the service since it was established in 1999, working most recently in South Canterbury, with Cluster 37 and now in Auckland again with Cluster 8. She is a registered and experienced Primary School Teacher. Christine has a Graduate Diploma in TESSOL and more recently completed an LLB from Auckland University in 2017.

Christine has worked to support schools across a wide variety of contexts. She enjoys the challenge of working in multi-disciplinary settings supporting schools to make a difference for students and their whanau.

Maryanne Manuyag

Ōrākei Hub

Tēnā koutou. Ko Maungakiekie tōku maunga. Ko Manukau Awa tōku awa. No Onehunga ahau. Ko Caryl tōku mama, ko Wayne tōku papa. Ko Carmilo tōku tane. Ko Samantha a Allegra tōku tamariki. Ko Manuyag a Freeman tōku whānau. Ko Maryanne tōku ingoa.

Maryanne has been working in the education field for 18 years, covering years 0 to 8 during this time. This breadth of teaching has given her a good grasp of all levels of the New Zealand Curriculum, which she has enjoyed adapting to make authentic and exciting for her ākonga. One of her favourite parts of teaching is the genuine relationships that can be created with ākonga, whānau, kura and all agencies. Maryanne has recently completed her dissertation looking into the wellbeing of teachers and is passionate about using this learning to help everyone find joy in their everyday normal. She is Reading Recovery trained with qualifications in Guidance Education (counselling). In her own time, Maryanne enjoys trying new foods, and exploring waterholes with her whānau around Aotearoa.

Michele Hucker

Ōrākei Hub

Michele has over 25 years teaching experience as both a classroom teacher and in specialist roles. With a passion for learning support, she has previously worked as an RTLB, Outreach Teacher to support students with complex needs in mainstream schools, and a SENCO. Her passion and experience include working with students with ASD, ADHD and other specific learning disabilities. Michele is a trained IYT facilitator and BAS accessor. Having completed the Level 5 NZQA – approved Certificate Course in Specific Learning Disabilities in 2018, she is a trained SPELD teacher. Michele is experienced in creating individual profiles of cognitive and educational achievement strengths and weaknesses for her students to create individual teaching plans to target students’ needs and strengths. She is skilled in using multisensory approaches, and the use of Assistive Technology. Michele is also a trained parent facilitator through the Parenting Place. Her other passions include wellbeing and anxiety, with an interest in cognitive behaviour therapy techniques. In her spare time, she enjoys travelling and spending time with her family.

Cecilia Tian

Orākei Hub

Cecilia is a primary-trained teacher whose journey began in South Auckland. She values whakawhanaunga - putting relationships with whānau, kaiako and mokopuna at the forefront of all she does. Her strengths include using strengths-based practices to ensure that the students’ cultural capital and knowledge are an asset to them. Cecilia has a heart for mokopuna whose achievement in learning and behaviour is not being fully realised. Her passion is to create barrier-free access to education for all learners, by building inclusive practice capabilities for teachers and schools.

Jennie Burt

Ōrākei Hub

Jennie has worked in education for more than 20 years, initially in the UK, and then across primary and intermediate schools in West Auckland, as a teacher, team leader, literacy leader and RTLB. She is passionate about developing and promoting effective oral language skills as an intrinsic part of classroom teaching and learning, and in 2014 she completed the Graduate Diploma in Teaching English in School to Speakers of Other Languages (TESSOL). Jennie promotes collaborative, interactive and culturally responsive approaches which support all children’s engagement and learning across the curriculum, and which enrich children’s interactions and connections with each other.

Jennie really enjoys working with children and their whānau, and alongside teachers and school staff to create an engaging, interactive, and inclusive space where all children can experience success.

Michelle Grey-Lamont

Ōrākei Hub

Michelle Grey-Lamont started her teaching career in 2004 in Auckland. She has worked with a range of special educational needs both here and in the UK. She believes there is no one rule for all, and it takes an eclectic mix of methodologies to meet the needs of the diverse learners in today’s learning environments.

Michelle has been an IYT – Classroom Management facilitator since 2021 for RTLB Cluster 8. She loves working with teachers to support the implementation of positive behaviour strategies (PBS). Michelle incorporates these principles in her teaching and coaching approach with young people. Michelle has also completed Leadership Coaching workshops and Mentoring Skills Training and finds this invaluable for working with educators to encourage the reflective process and expand learning. Michelle is most passionate about Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and supporting schools in using a range of evidence-based programmes to promote students social and emotional intelligence, wellbeing and resilience. She is certified to deliver the Brick-by-Brick Programme, BOUNCE BACK, Zones of Regulation, Seasons for Growth Level 1-4, Feuerstein Basic Level 1 and FRIENDS Resilience. Michelle has also completed the CPI (Crisis Prevention Institute) Verbal intervention training to respond to crisis situations with a focus on prevention using verbal de-escalation skills and strategies.


© 2019 RTLB Cluster 8 

Resource Teachers Learning and Behaviour

Cluster 8 Ngā Manu Ᾱwhina

Royal Oak Primary School

Chandler Ave Royal Oak, 1023


​Tel: (09) 624 2800 (ext. 817) 

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