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The nationwide RTLB service
               RTLB Lead Kura/School & host school

The national RTLB service works together with teachers and schools to support the achievement of students in Years 1-10 who have learning and/or behaviour difficulties. Support may go beyond the individual student and also benefit the teacher, whole class, groups of students and/or the whole school. RTLB have a particular focus on supporting Māori students, Pasifika students and children and young people moving into State care. 

There are 40 RTLB clusters nationally, from the Far North to Southland. Each cluster has a lead school, lead school principal and a cluster manager. Each cluster also has a team of RTLB, specialist itinerant kaiako/teachers.

To help ensure a cohesive and consistent approach to service provision, each of the 40 clusters has a lead kura/school. A lead kura/school is the fund holder and its Board of Trustees (BoT) is the sole employer for cluster managers, practice leaders, and RTLB in a cluster.

Although all RTLB in one cluster will be employed by the lead kura/school's BoT, they may be located at other schools in the cluster area. The schools where RTLB are located, but not employed, are host schools.

Find out more HERE

One practice framework called He Pikorua provides Learning Support and RTLB practitioners with clear and consistent practical direction for working and supports practice reflection and review. This enables practitioners to work with confidence as individuals and with the collective knowledge and support of others so all can continue to help our children and young people and their learning communities grow and flourish.

Liaison RTLB

Our commitment to you includes being responsive, being solutions focused, and building relationships with all people who work with mokopuna.  We aim to listen for what is important to you and get to know your community over time. Our principles include working collaboratively, responsively and flexibly with you to respond to your kura’s needs and to support you in building on your kura’s strengths.  We are guided by He Pikorua and Te Tūāpapa in our mahi.  

Communication & Information Sharing  

  • Act as first contact for any Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) queries. 

  • Share information about RTLB, Cluster 8 events, professional development opportunities, and changes. 

  • Record correspondence in whakamahi 

  • Share informed consent processes for RTLB Cluster 8 with the Special Needs Coordinator (SENCo) and/or Learning Support Coordinator (LSC). 

  • Maintain an overview of RTLB cases/projects with a view to information sharing in request for support meetings. 

  • Support RTLB working in the school to understand the school's organisation, processes, culture and policies. 

  • Support new SENCo/LSC to become familiar with Cluster 8 RTLB processes and procedures including what to do if there is a concern with RTLB involvement in the school. 

  • Develop a positive relationship with key personnel in the school and become familiar with the school’s organisation, processes, culture and policies. 

Support of Mokopuna 

  • Attend Pastoral Care/SENCo/LSC Meetings. 

  • Engage in reflective conversation around mokopuna who may benefit from RTLB support prior to the request being made. 

  • Seek solutions for ākonga of concern and connect the SENCo/and or LSC with potential services/resources. 

  • In partnership with the SENCo/and or LSC monitor the waitlist regularly and update information.  

  • Follow Cluster 8 Transition processes and timelines. 

  • Support with Educational Profiles for Gateway referrals where required. 

  • Establish connections with alternative agencies and services where required, while adhering to the Privacy Act 2020 

  • Provide BAS referral process information & notify the Cluster 8 BAS Lead Practitioner of any potential upcoming BAS referrals.

Database Support  

  • Help the SENCo/ and or LSC to become familiar with finding and filling out the Request for support document. 

  • Provide information about the Learning Support Delivery Model (LSDM), and Te Tūāpapa o He Pikorua - Tiered Support 

  • Support the school to identify the type of referral that may be most supportive: school-wide/project/group/teacher/individual.

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