Photo credit: Steve Harper
Professional Development on
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Contact: Wendy
Incredible Years Autism Teacher Programme®
For kaiako of tamariki/mokopuna aged 2-5. The focus is on neurodiverse children who are on the autism spectrum or children with language delays who are 3–5 years old. Each teacher will have a target student in mind for the workshops. Teachers who have already completed the Incredible Years Teacher Programme are given priority.
Maximum of 10 teachers per programme.
Six half-day sessions held over eight weeks:
Promoting Language Development
Promoting Social Interactions
Promoting Emotional Literacy and Self-Regulation
Kaiako learn with and from others strategies for:
engaging and playing with tamariki/mokopuna on their level
supporting language development in tamariki/mokopuna
encouraging their emotional self-regulation
supporting their social and communication skills
growing empathy
What you need to know
Royal Oak Primary School in the RTLB meeting room (Crown Street).
All sessions are fully catered. Make sure you inform Group Leaders of dietary requirements.
The Ministry of Education contributes $900.00 for each attending teacher. This is payable after completion of the second session.
Pre-visits occur prior to the programme start. Group leaders visit participants at their school to whakawhanaungatanga, and discuss the Target Student. Each teacher will have a student in mind as they develop plans for them. We encourage teachers to inform parents of this.
Support visits will occur at least twice during the programme. Group leaders visit teachers in their school setting to provide individualised support in using the strategies they are learning about.
Certificates are awarded upon completion of all six sessions.
Click here to register, or email Please include “Cluster 8” next to the teacher’s name.