Photo credit: Steve Harper
Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Support
Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment (FIE- Feuerstein, Rand, Hoffman, & Miller, 1980) is a cognitive intervention program aimed at developing a broad range of students’ cognitive functions and enhancing their learning potential. Unlike other cognitive programs that “infuse” cognitive strategies into curricular lessons, FIE offers as separate, content-neutral lessons aimed at the development of cognitive strategies and function in their “pure” form. These strategies and functions are then “bridged” to particular content during regular curricular lessons. FIE materials include several series of paper-and-pencil tasks targeting such cognitive skills as comparison, classification, analytic perception, orientation in space and time, and so on.
1. Cluster 8 has been delivering FIE service to schools since 2014. This involves Learning Propensity Assessment Devices (LPAD) assessment, Basic and Standard Instrumental Enrichment programmes.
2. On the field studies (pre and post data gathering) has been completed in 5 schools. For this year one such study is in progress to a group of above-average students.
3. Six RTLBs from the Cluster have completed the FIE Basic programme and have started practising in schools via their casework.
4. FIE Community of Practice (COPs) have developed the following pamphlets about FIE:
a. FIE Basic Programme
b. FIE Standard Programme
c. Mediated Learning Experience
For more information about the above please contact:
Sandiyao Sebestian (Sandi)
FIE Coordinator,
RTLB, Cluster 8,
021 982 918
For further reading:
Feuerstein Website:
New Zealand Feuerstein Forum:
To become a Feuerstein Basic practitioner you need to complete two levels of training. These workshops are sponsored by RTLB Cluster 8 Ngā Manu Āwhina.
2023 Training is POSTPONED
Contact Sandi to register for the Feuerstein Basic training workshops.
Read Sandi's article about FIE in a primary school in NZ!